Our School Pride Flag

On Friday the 7th October, we raised our school Pride flag.
In Scoil Íde we want to show everyone how our school values and includes everyone. Pride means proud, and we want everyone to be proud of who they are!
By raising this Pride Flag we celebrate the diversity of people and families in Ireland, especially in our school community here in Clondalkin.
The red represents life,
orange symbolises healing,
yellow is for sunlight,
the green symbolises nature,
blue represents harmony and
purple is for spirit.
This modern progress pride flag includes an arrow to place greater emphasis on inclusion and progression. All these different colours together in this flag represent our togetherness.
In preparation for our Pride flag, all our classes have been learning all about different kinds of families in SPHE. Our teaching and learning has included a huge variety of storybooks, activities and resources. Following on from the success of Ms. O'Brien's 4th class last year in the INTO Different Families Same Love competition, we decided as a school to make a commitment to using more inclusive and diverse storybooks, toys, language and lessons in our school. We continue to work hard to use resources that are inclusive and to value our differences.
Each class dressed up as a different colour of the rainbow and we all also learnt the "I can sing a Rainbow" song which we all sang together while the flag was being raised.
It was a very special and memorable day for our school.
Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, New Rd, Brideswell Commons, Dublin 22
Phone: 01 459 2766