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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

News - ASD class

5th Sep 2024
We are so excited to have our new classroom this year for our children in Rm4.  The...

2023/2024 School Year

21st Jun 2024
We had a wonderful week for Active Week!On Monday, we took part in cricket and boxing,...
7th Jun 2024
We had a wonderful trip to Clondalkin Leisure Centre's playground on Friday 31st...
24th May 2024
Children and staff from room 10 enjoyed planting flowers in our hanging baskets this...
17th Mar 2024
Take a look at all the fun we had in our school hall on Friday. 
13th Mar 2024
All junior infants went on a trip to the Garda Station today. We had a great time....
7th Mar 2024
Take a look at our decorated classroom doors! They are fab...
7th Jan 2024
We had a lovely few weeks in December celebrating Christmas and enjoying our An Post...
10th Nov 2023
The boys had a wonderful time on the last day before midterm! They loved decorating...
10th Nov 2023
The boys had great fun meeting Ellen this week and getting their picture taken with...