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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22


2022/2023 School Year

21st Apr 2023
Some of our nature-loving 3rd class girls spotted these early pollinators in the...
31st Mar 2023
This week we celebrated Friendship Week. The Student Council worked super hard to...
31st Mar 2023
On March 30th, we had a visit from Konor, a circus skills performer, as part of...
31st Mar 2023
On March 31st, we had our Easter Assembly, we celebrated our Principal's Prizes,...
31st Mar 2023
Friendship Week has been a really wonderful and special week in our class. We learned...
30th Mar 2023
Third Class and Fifth Class enjoying some books together.
29th Mar 2023
Third Class buddied up with Fifth Class to engage in some shared reading as part...
28th Mar 2023
On March 28th, we had two bouncy castles in our yard as part of our Friendship Week...