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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
The school reopens on 6th January 2025 - Happy New Year to all
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Science Week in 4th class

16th Nov 2022

We have been really enjoying Science Week in rang a 4.  Here are some of the activities that we've been up to:

  • We learnt bridges, investigated different kinds of bridges and explored how they are supported.  We were then challenged to build a bridge using only paper that could support the weight of a parer and rubber.  We then moved onto designing and building bridges using lego, k'nex and blocks. 
  • We investigated colour mixing using food colouring, water and kitchen paper.  Have a look at our photos to see our amazing walking rainbows!
  • We learnt about the scientist Alexander Fleming.  His discovery of penicillin has been a significant and important part of medicine since.
  • We explored some more colour mixing using skittles and warm water.  We learnt that the sugar dissolves in the warm water causing the colours to run, creating a rainbow effect.
  • We had some fun with designing and making also.  We worked in groups to create a safety jacket and / or a parachute to launch an egg from a height.  We investigated what materials were good protection and we learnt also that our 'parachutes' slowed down the fall enough to lessen the impact with the ground.