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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22


2023/2024 School Year

7th Oct 2023
This week we created Autumn trees. After learning about Autumn and looking at the...
7th Oct 2023
This week Junior Infants went on their first nature walk. We were joined by the Junior...
Ray D'Arcy paid a visit to Scoil Naomh Íde in Clondalkin on Friday 30th June...
5th Oct 2023
We had our first assembly of the school year on Wednesday. Ms. Keane presented...
5th Oct 2023
This week as part of our GAA training we tried out some skills with the hurls and...
5th Oct 2023
We are working on Time in first class maths and this week we practised the days of...
4th Oct 2023
On Tuesday, we had hurling and camogie training with David. The boys and girls throroughly...
3rd Oct 2023
We had another great GAA Coaching session today with David Dotsy O' Callaghan from...
2nd Oct 2023
We started Aistear today. Our theme is Houses and Homes. We read the story 'The...