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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22


2022/2023 School Year

8th Mar 2023
We have been learning about different types of Engineers this week. We researched...
8th Mar 2023
Recently, Third Class received 10 stars for lining up on the yard. They voted to...
7th Mar 2023
7th Mar 2023
We had so much fun learning about Engineers week in Room 1. We did a marshmallow...
3rd Mar 2023
Third Class recently enjoyed Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Third Class also won the...
2nd Mar 2023
World Book Day 2023 was a great day in room 3. We all looked fantastic dressed up...
2nd Mar 2023
On the 2nd of March, we had a fantastic day in Scoil Ide. All of the children and...
2nd Mar 2023
Happy World Book Day!
2nd Mar 2023
We celebrated Pancake Tuesday in school. We had a choice of lemon, nutella and marshmallows...
2nd Mar 2023
We were so lucky today because we listened to the librarian reading some stories...